Mr. Pip's Double Cross: A Game That Transcends Boundaries

Revolutionizing Traditional Gameplay with Modern Design and Social Interaction

Mr. Pip's Double Cross, a unique tabletop game, is designed to draw people away from their devices and foster personal connection, play, and fun. This award-winning design reimagines the traditional game of Liar's Dice, transforming it into a beautiful modern object that doubles as home decor.

Technology has undoubtedly brought global connectivity. However, it has also created a need for products that encourage face-to-face social interaction. Mr. Pip's Double Cross is a response to this need. Unlike most tabletop games, which are typically hidden away in boxes, this game is designed to be left out, serving as a constant reminder to incorporate play into our daily lives.

Mr. Pip's Double Cross brings form into the function of Liar's Dice, a game prevalent in Asia that is so simple it transcends language and culture. When not in use, the parts collectively form a modern object meant to be left out as decor. The form is made up of six cups which come together around a central hub that contains 30 dice. Made for 2-6 players, the game transcends cultural differences and language barriers to connect people from all backgrounds.

The form of Double Cross was made with injection molded ABS plastic. The hub is made with two halves that are sonic welded together. The hub holds the six cups together to create the iconic form, and provides housing for the 30 dice, which are made from acrylic. The product dimensions are 215 cubic mm.

The game is operated by removing the six cups and 30 dice from the hub. Each player gets one cup and five dice to start the game. This new take on Liar's Dice is a clever, fast, and crazy party game that will leave everyone guessing and laughing. When not in use, the game reassembles into a beautiful and intriguing tabletop centerpiece.

The project started in March 2016 in Los Angeles and was introduced to the market in December 2016. The key challenge to the product was to create a product which improved upon the game, while the components worked together to form a beautiful object that would encourage people to leave the product out and play the game. This Design was awarded Golden in A' Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design Award in 2017.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Pip Tompkin Design
Image Credits: Pip Tompkin Design
Project Team Members: Pip Tompkin Shannon Hematian Denny Liao Samuel McClellan Madison Smith Wantana Pojanaporn Ella Jeong Jarett Volkoff Ellie Shoja Rachel Helen Dan O‘Toole
Project Name: Double Cross
Project Client: Pip Tompkin Design

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